Github Repository for Python and C++ Libraries

The Git hub repository contains python and C++ versions of programming interfaces for all the automation commands available on the STEPScope, Pattern Generator, and Bit Error Location Analyzer devices.  There is also a few demonstration programs showing how to assemble programs using these interfaces.  The Python library contains a STEPScope example with a graphical user interface based on PyQT.

The repository URL is shown below.  The standard workflow is to obtain a free github account, fork the repository into your account, clone the contents to a local development machine, make changes, commit them locally and then push them back up to your own copy of the repository, and then send the moderator of the repository a pull-request to incorporate your changes for everyone.

These repositories use PyCharm as the development environment for Python programming, and Eclipse together with a cross compiler configuration referencing Cygwin tools for C++ programming.

The following URL will take you to the repository on GitHub:

To just get a copy of the repository for inspection, download and install Git and type the following at the command prompt to create a folder called Automation in the current directory:

  git clone