Pulser Configuration

Once the Pulser Accessory is recognized, the Status Bar shows a new icon for accessing the Pulser Accessory user interface. The pulser width and Pulser Amplitude controls are then duplicated in the Status Bar control panel whenever the Pulser Mode is set to "Accessory."  

Pulser Width


 A factor that adjusts the period between each pulse and therefore changes pulser frequency. Shorter pulse widths will enable the STEPScope to acquire waveforms faster and with less noise, but longer pulse widths may be necessary for certain applications such as long cable lengths to ensure the full range of the application is captured.

Pulser Amplitude

200 to 700 mV

 The single-ended amplitude of the Pulse signal leaving the remote pulser accessory. This selection is only available when the Mode is set to "Accessory".

Differential Skew

-30 to +30 ps

 Delay inserted between the positive and negative legs of the differential signal used to "deskew" cable mismatches.

(+) / (-) Enable

on / off

 Controls pulsing on both legs individually. Terminations are provided regardless of enable setting. This is used in cable test applications so the STEPScope can perform a TDR analysis while connected to the remote pulser while the remote pulser has its signals both disabled, meanwhile still providing a 50-Ohm termination.