Pattern Generator Automation Commands

The Pattern Generator automation commands are grouped into multiple categories.  Here are the list of automation commands for operating the Pattern Generator: 


Clk: [Category] Clock Access

    Clk:Const: [Category] Constants, (IsClass)

      Clk:Const:Options........[Property] Option Code, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)

      Clk:Const:SN.............[Property] Serial Number, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)


Const: [Category] Constants, (IsClass)

    Const:Options..............[Property] Option Code, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)

    Const:SN...................[Property] Serial Number, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)


ED: [Category] Pega Calibration Input Access

    ED:AlignDataMsg............[Property] Data alignment results, String, (RO)

    ED:AutoResync..............[Property] Auto Resync Enable, Bool

    ED:BitRate.................[Property] Bit Rate, Double, GHz, (RO)

    ED:CalibRate...............[Property] Calibration input Rate, Double, GHz, (RO)

    ED:Delay...................[Property] Delay, Double, 0.000 to 140.000, ps

    ED:DetPatt.................[Property] Detected Pattern, Enum <AllZeros, AllOnes, Prbs7, InvPrbs7, Prbs11, InvPrbs11, Prbs13, InvPrbs13, Prbs15, InvPrbs15, Prbs20, InvPrbs20, Prbs23, InvPrbs23, Prbs31, InvPrbs31, Grab, InvGrab, None, Unknown>, (RO)

    ED:Enabled.................[Property] Calibration channel enabled, Bool

    ED:EyeRate.................[Property] Eye Rate, Double, GHz, (RO)

    ED:EyeSubrate..............[Property] Eye subrate applied to delays, Enum <DivBy1, DivBy2, DivBy4, DivBy8>

    ED:GrabLen.................[Property] Grab length, Enum <32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192>

    ED:GrabPatt................[Property] Grabbed pattern 32-bit word hex values, String, (RO)

    ED:InProgress..............[Property] Aligning in progress, Bool, (RO)

    ED:InSync..................[Property] In Sync Flag, Bool, (RO)

    ED:Monitor.................[Property] Pattern change and data rate monitoring enable, Bool, (NoSave)

    ED:Patt....................[Property] Detector Pattern, Enum <AllZeros, AllOnes, Prbs7, InvPrbs7, Prbs11, InvPrbs11, Prbs13, InvPrbs13, Prbs15, InvPrbs15, Prbs20, InvPrbs20, Prbs23, InvPrbs23, Prbs31, InvPrbs31, Grab, Auto, Unknown>

    ED:ResyncThresh............[Property] Resync Threshold, Int, 0 to 255, (Comma)

    ED:TermDCLevel.............[Property] Termination DC Level, Double, -2000.000 to 3300.000, mV

    ED:TermType................[Property] Termination Type, Enum <DC, AC>

    ED:Thresh..................[Property] Threshold, Double, -1000.000 to 1000.000, mV

    ED:UsingEye................[Property] Using Eye Diagramming, Bool, (RO)

    ED:AlignData...............[Method] Perform data alignment, parameter: Time, Volts, All (Dflt), PrbsVolts, PrbsAll

    ED:Resync..................[Method] Manual Resync

    ED:Sampler: [Category] Meta category, (IsClass)

      ED:Sampler:DataSource....[Property] Deferred sampler data source selection, Enum <Ch0, Ch1>

      ED:Sampler:DelayRange....[Property] Sampler delay range, Double, ps, (RO)

      ED:Sampler:Delays........[Property] Sampler delay values by index (0=Cal 1=Deferred), Double[2], Min 1.000, ps

      ED:Sampler:HControl......[Property] Deferred sampler time control selection, Enum <ClockDelay, NegDataDelay, ClockMinusDataDelay>

      ED:Sampler:Mode..........[Property] Sample mode selection, Enum <CalInput, DeferredEye>

      ED:Sampler:Time..........[Property] Sample time, Double, 0.000 to 10000.000, ps

      ED:Sampler:VControl......[Property] Deferred sampler voltage control selection, Enum <Ch0Pos, Ch0Neg, Ch1Pos, Ch1Neg>

      ED:Sampler:Volts.........[Property] Sampler voltage, Double, -2000.000 to 3300.000, mV

      ED:Sampler:VoltsMax......[Property] Sample voltage maximum, Double, mV, (RO)

      ED:Sampler:VoltsMin......[Property] Sample voltage minimum, Double, mV, (RO)


Patt: [Category] User Patterns

    Patt:File..................[Property] User pattern filename, String[2], (RO)

    Patt:Folder................[Property] Current folder, String

    Patt:GuiCh.................[Property] Gui channel, Enum <Ch0, Ch1, Dual>

    Patt:GuiFormat.............[Property] Gui number format, Enum <Hex, Decimal, Octal, Binary>

    Patt:GuiSymbols............[Property] Gui number of symbols, Int, Min 1, (Comma)

    Patt:GuiSymbolSize.........[Property] Gui bits per symbol, Int, 1 to 32, (Comma)

    Patt:GuiType...............[Property] Gui file type, Enum <All, Pattern, Playlist>

    Patt:RestoreBitShift.......[Property] Restore bit shift, Int[3], -255 to 255, (NoEvent)

    Patt:RestoreFile...........[Property] Restore user pattern files, String[3], (NoEvent)

    Patt:RootFolder............[Property] User Patterns root folder, String, (RO)

    Patt:StatusMsg.............[Property] Status message, String, (RO)

    Patt:VerifyMsg.............[Property] Verify message, String, (RO)

    Patt:ClearStatusMsg........[Method] Clear status message

    Patt:ClearVerifyMsg........[Method] Clear verify message

    Patt:Copy..................[Method] File copy

    Patt:Delete................[Method] File delete

    Patt:Deploy................[Method] Deploy pattern

    Patt:Fetch.................[Method] Fetch file (HasBinaryResponse)

    Patt:FetchDir..............[Method] Fetch directory (HasBinaryStringResponse)

    Patt:Grab..................[Method] Grab pattern

    Patt:NewFolder.............[Method] New folder

    Patt:Rename................[Method] File rename

    Patt:Save..................[Method] File save (HasBinaryInput)

    Patt:Verify................[Method] Verify file (HasBinaryInput)


PG: [Category] Pattern generator control

    PG:AllOn...................[Property] Enable clock and both channels of data, Bool, (NoSave)

    PG:Connectors..............[Property] Output connectors, Enum[4] <Ch0Pos, Ch1Pos, Ch0Neg, Ch1Neg>

    PG:Delay...................[Property] Delay, Double[2], 0.000 to 176.000, ps

    PG:HwVersion...............[Property] Hardware version, Int, (RO)

    PG:LinkMode................[Property] Link mode, Enum <Ch0, Ch1, Unlinked, Linked, Interleaved>

    PG:LinkTapChanges..........[Property] Link Tap changes across channels, Bool

    PG:Monitor.................[Property] Frequency and Amp Current monitoring enable, Bool, (NoSave)

    PG:OperatingRate...........[Property] Operating clock rate, -1 means not set, Double, -0.9000 to 16.1000, GHz, (NoSave)

    PG:Pattern.................[Property] Pega Pattern, Enum[2] <Zeros, Prbs7, Prbs11, Prbs13, Prbs15, Prbs20, Prbs23, Prbs31, User, Ones, InvPrbs7, InvPrbs11, InvPrbs13, InvPrbs15, InvPrbs20, InvPrbs23, InvPrbs31, InvUser>

    PG:PrbsBitOffset...........[Property] Pattern bit offset, Int[2], Min -2147483647, bits/channel

    PG:ReadRate................[Property] Readback rate, Double, GHz, (RO)

    PG:UseCombiner.............[Property] Use PAM4 Combiner level settings, Bool

    PG:UserAvailable...........[Property] User Pattern pages available bit mask, Int[2], bit mask, (RO)

    PG:UserPage................[Property] User Pattern Page, Enum[2] <PageA, PageB>

    PG:SetDefaults.............[Method] Set defaults

    PG:UserPageFlip............[Method] User Page temporary flip

    PG:Amp: [Category] Amplifier category, (IsClass)

      PG:Amp:Ampl..............[Property] Amp amplitude setting, Double[2], 10.000 to 1200.000, mV

      PG:Amp:Coupling..........[Property] Coupling Type, Enum[4] <DC, AC>

      PG:Amp:Cross.............[Property] Amp crossing point setting (10-90), Double[2], 40.000 to 60.000, %

      PG:Amp:Enabled...........[Property] Amp enabled, not automatically restored, Bool[2], (NoSave)

      PG:Amp:F2................[Property] F2 setting, Double[2], -30.000 to 30.000, ps

      PG:Amp:F2Max.............[Property] F2 maximum limit at this frequency, Double[2], 0.000 to 0.000, ps

      PG:Amp:F2Min.............[Property] F2 minimum limit at this frequency, Double[2], 0.000 to 0.000, ps

      PG:Amp:Offs..............[Property] Amp VOffset, Double[4], -2000.000 to 3300.000, mV

    PG:Ch0: [Category] Ch0 taps category, (IsClass)

      PG:Ch0:FinalTaps.........[Property] Final tap values for Ch-0 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], (RO)

      PG:Ch0:IntrinsicTaps.....[Property] Intrinsic tap values for Ch-0 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], -2.000 to 2.000

      PG:Ch0:Taps..............[Property] Tap values for Ch-0 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], -2.000 to 2.000

    PG:Ch1: [Category] Ch1 taps category, (IsClass)

      PG:Ch1:FinalTaps.........[Property] Final tap values for Ch-1 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], (RO)

      PG:Ch1:IntrinsicTaps.....[Property] Intrinsic tap values for Ch-1 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], -2.000 to 2.000

      PG:Ch1:Taps..............[Property] Tap values for Ch-1 (1 Pre, 1 Cursor, 2 Post), Double[4], -2.000 to 2.000

    PG:Diag: [Category] Diagnostics access, (IsClass)

      PG:Diag:ActualAmpl.......[Property] Actual amplitude, Double[2], mV, (RO)

      PG:Diag:BangStatus.......[Property] Bang-bang status [0]=Adsantec, [1]=Euvis, Int[3], (RO)

      PG:Diag:MarkDensity......[Property] Mark Density, Double[2], (RO)

      PG:Diag:OpRate...........[Property] Operating clock rate, -1 means not set, Double[2], -0.9000 to 16.1000, GHz, (NoSave)

    PG:Err: [Category] Error injector, (IsClass)

      PG:Err:Interval..........[Property] Error inject interval, Int[2], 1 to 65535, 128-bit words

      PG:Err:Mode..............[Property] Error inject mode, Enum[2] <Single, Repeat>

      PG:Err:RepeatBER.........[Property] Error inject repeat BER, Double[2], (RO)

      PG:Err:Type..............[Property] Error inject type, Enum[2] <None, Err1Bit, Err2Bit, Err3Bit, Err4Bit, Err5Bit, Err10Bit, Err32Bit, Err64Bit, Err128Bit, SepBy1, SepBy2>

      PG:Err:Single............[Method] Do single error inject

    PG:Pam: [Category] PAM4 category, (IsClass)

      PG:Pam:Ampl..............[Property] Pam4 Combiner amplitude, Double, 10.000 to 1100.000, mV, (NoSave)

      PG:Pam:Delay.............[Property] Pam4 common delay, Double, 0.000 to 176.000, ps, (NoSave)

      PG:Pam:DelayAlign........[Property] Pam4 Combiner delay alignment, Double, -50.000 to 50.000, ps, (NoSave)

      PG:Pam:Offs..............[Property] Pam4 Combiner offset, Double[2], -1000.000 to 1000.000, mV, (NoSave)

    PG:Term: [Category] Termination category, (IsClass)

      PG:Term:DCLevel..........[Property] Termination DC Level, Double[4], -2000.000 to 3300.000, mV

      PG:Term:Impedance........[Property] Termination Impedance, Double[4], 1.000 to 1000.000, Ohms

      PG:Term:LinkPosNeg.......[Property] Link positive and negative legs for offset and term, Bool[2]

      PG:Term:Type.............[Property] Termination Type, Enum[4] <DC, AC>

    PG:Trig: [Category] Trigger outputs, (IsClass)

      PG:Trig:Index............[Property] Trigger index, Int[2], 0 to 4294967295, bits

      PG:Trig:Type.............[Property] Trigger type, Enum[2] <Pattern, Clock64>


Syn: [Category] Clock source control, (IsClass)

    Syn:ClockRate..............[Property] Internal clock rate, Double, 0.5000 to 16.0000, GHz

    Syn:DataRate...............[Property] Doubled clock rate, Double, 1.0000 to 32.0000, Gbps

    Syn:Dest...................[Property] Clock Destinations, Enum[4] <Ch0, Ch1, Calib, Output>

    Syn:DivCalib...............[Property] Output clock divider, Enum <Div2, Div4, Div8, Div16>

    Syn:DivOutput..............[Property] Output clock divider, Enum <Div2, Div4, Div8, Div16>

    Syn:HwVersion..............[Property] Hardware version, Int, (RO)

    Syn:Led....................[Property] LED State, Enum[2] <Auto, Green, Red, Off>, (NoSave)

    Syn:LockDetect.............[Property] Synthesizer Lock detected, Bool, (RO)

    Syn:OpRate.................[Property] Operating clock rate, -1 means not set, Double, -1.0000 to 16.0000, GHz, (NoSave)

    Syn:RefSource..............[Property] 100 MHz Reference Source setting, Enum <IntRef, ExtRef>

    Syn:Source.................[Property] Clock Sources, Enum[4] <Internal, ExtA, ExtB>

    Syn:Map....................[Method] Map clock source to destination(s)


Err: [Category] Calibration channel error rate application

    Err:ABER...................[Property] Accumulated BER Result, Double, (RO)

    Err:BerReport..............[Property] Ber report of 15 things, String, (RO, NoQuote)

    Err:Binary.................[Property] Binary Data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)

    Err:Bits...................[Property] Bit Count Result, LongLong, (RO, Comma)

    Err:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)

    Err:Errors.................[Property] Bit Errors Count Result, LongLong, (RO, Comma)

    Err:IBER...................[Property] Instantaneous BER Result, Double, (RO)

    Err:ResyncCount............[Property] Resync Count, LongLong, (RO, Comma)

    Err:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)

    Err:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)

    Err:Serial.................[Property] Serial Number of Integration, Int, (RO)

    Err:Csv....................[Method] PegaED Csv (HasPathResponse)

    Err:Csv2...................[Method] PegaErr Csv (HasPathResponse)

    Err:Fit....................[Method] PegaED Chart Fit

    Err:Reset..................[Method] Reset position

    Err:Cfg: [Category] Configuration Settings, (IsClass)

      Err:Cfg:BitsFmt..........[Property] ED Bits Format, Enum <Scientific, Decimal>

      Err:Cfg:Interval.........[Property] Update interval, Double, 1.0 to 10000.0, sec

      Err:Cfg:Reclen...........[Property] Record Length, Int, 10 to 3000

      Err:Cfg:ShowSettings.....[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)

      Err:Cfg:ShowStripSettings.[Property] Show Strip Chart Settings, Bool, (NoSave)

    Err:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)

      Err:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -99.000000 to 0.000000, LogBER, (NoSave)

      Err:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)

      Err:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]

      Err:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)

      Err:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)

      Err:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 1.000000 to 99.000000, LogBER, (NoSave)

      Err:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0 to 100000000, sec, (NoSave)

      Err:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)

      Err:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool

      Err:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool

      Err:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>

      Err:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool

      Err:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool

      Err:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)

      Err:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 1 to 100000000, sec, (NoSave)


Eye: [Category] Calibration channel eye diagram application

    Eye:Binary.................[Property] Binary Data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)

    Eye:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)

    Eye:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)

    Eye:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)

    Eye:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show gui settings panel, Bool, (NoSave)

    Eye:Fit....................[Method] Fit chart

    Eye:Jpg....................[Method] PegaEye Jpg Image (HasPathResponse)

    Eye:Reset..................[Method] Reset position

    Eye:Cfg: [Category] Configuration Settings, (IsClass)

      Eye:Cfg:Bottom...........[Property] Acquisition Voltage bottom, Double, (RO)

      Eye:Cfg:Bright...........[Property] Image Brightness, Double, 0.00 to 100.00, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Columns..........[Property] Columns in Image, Int, 10 to 1000, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:DelaySettle......[Property] Delay Settle Time, Int, 1 to 50, usec, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Depth............[Property] E2 Depth, Double, 1000 to 100000, bits, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Divisions........[Property] Number of divisions H,V, Int[2], 2 to 50, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:EyeSync..........[Property] Eye Sync mode, Bool, (RO)

      Eye:Cfg:FloorNoSync......[Property] Floor threshold for No-Sync mode (500K), Double, 0.0 to 1000000000.0, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:FloorSync........[Property] Floor threshold for Sync mode (500K), Double, 0.0 to 1000000000.0, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Height...........[Property] Acquisition Voltage height, Double, (RO)

      Eye:Cfg:Offset...........[Property] Acquisition Time offset, Double, (RO)

      Eye:Cfg:PerDiv...........[Property] Span per division, Double[2], 1.000 to 1000.000

      Eye:Cfg:Persist..........[Property] Persistence, Int, 0 to 5, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Rows.............[Property] Rows in Image, Int, 10 to 1000, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Scale............[Property] Scale ratio percentage, Double, 10.000 to 1000.000, %

      Eye:Cfg:ShowRaw..........[Property] Show Raw Data, Bool, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:Span.............[Property] Acquisition Time span, Double, (RO)

      Eye:Cfg:ThreshSettle.....[Property] Threshold Settle Time, Int, 1 to 50, usec, (NoSave)

      Eye:Cfg:UseClip..........[Property] Use Clipping for Floor level, Bool, (NoSave)

    Eye:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)

      Eye:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -5000.00 to 5000.00, mV

      Eye:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)

      Eye:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]

      Eye:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)

      Eye:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)

      Eye:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 10.00 to 10000.00, mV

      Eye:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0.00 to 10000.00, ps

      Eye:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)

      Eye:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool

      Eye:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool

      Eye:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>

      Eye:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool

      Eye:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool

      Eye:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)

      Eye:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 10.00 to 10000.00, ps

Tub: [Category] BER Tub application

    Tub:ConfBER................[Property] Confidence BER, Double, 1e-20 to 0.001, BER

    Tub:ConfErrors.............[Property] Number of sufficient errors in BER measurement, Int, (RO)

    Tub:ConfLevel..............[Property] Confidence Level, Double, 50.00000 to 99.99900

    Tub:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)

    Tub:ExtrapBER..............[Property] Extrapolation depth BER level, Double, 1e-100 to 0.0001, BER

    Tub:FitHighBER.............[Property] High BER level for extrapolation basis, Double, 1e-10 to 0.0001, BER

    Tub:MeasureBER.............[Property] Measurement BER level, Double, 1e-100 to 0.0001, BER

    Tub:Meta...................[Property] Packed chart meta information binary data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)

    Tub:MetaSEQ................[Property] Chart Meta sequence number, Int, (RO)

    Tub:PointCount.............[Property] Number of points in result, Int, (RO)

    Tub:Progress100............[Property] Progress 0 to 100, Int, %, (RO)

    Tub:Resolution.............[Property] Resolution of time increments, Double, 0.20000 to 100.00000, ps

    Tub:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)

    Tub:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)

    Tub:ShowResults............[Property] Show gui results panel, Bool

    Tub:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show gui settings panel, Bool, (NoSave)

    Tub:StatusMsg..............[Property] Tub status message, String, (RO)

    Tub:SuffBits...............[Property] Confidence Bits based on confidence settings, Double, (RO)

    Tub:TubType................[Property] Sweep type (Tub or Peak), Enum <Tub, Peak>

    Tub:WkgSEQ.................[Property] Working Serial number, Int, (RO)

    Tub:Csv....................[Method] PegaTub Csv (HasPathResponse)

    Tub:FetchPoints............[Method] Fetch points (HasBinaryStringResponse)

    Tub:FetchResults...........[Method] Fetch results (HasBinaryStringResponse)

    Tub:FetchWkg...............[Method] Fetch working values (HasBinaryStringResponse)

    Tub:Fit....................[Method] PegaTub Chart Fit

    Tub:Reset..................[Method] Reset position

    Tub:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)

      Tub:Chart:AxisY..........[Property] Y-Axis type, Enum <BER, Q>

      Tub:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, 1e-100 to 0.1, BER, (NoSave)

      Tub:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)

      Tub:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]

      Tub:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)

      Tub:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)

      Tub:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 1 to 0.1, BER, (NoSave)

      Tub:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0.000 to 2000.000, ps, (NoSave)

      Tub:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)

      Tub:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool

      Tub:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool

      Tub:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>

      Tub:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool

      Tub:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool

      Tub:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)

      Tub:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 1.000 to 2000.000, ps, (NoSave)

See Also:

Connecting with PUTTY

Common Device Automation Commands