Common Device Automation Commands
All BitWise devices share a core set of automation commands used to manage the device platform. These commands and properties are listed below.
App: [Category] Applications
App:List...................[Property] List of all applications, String, (RO, NoQuote)
App:RunActive..............[Property] List of active run objects, String, (RO, NoQuote)
App:RunDurLimit............[Property] Run Duration Limit, ElapTime
App:RunList................[Property] List of all run objects, String, (RO, NoQuote)
App:RunState...............[Property] List of all run object states, String, (RO, NoQuote)
App:Sequence...............[Property] Gui Sequence, Int, (RO)
App:ShowNav................[Property] Show Navigation Toolbar, Bool
App:ShowText...............[Property] Show Text on GUI, Bool
App:Tab....................[Property] Application Tab, String, (NoAuth)
App:Clear..................[Method] Clear [<active-appname-list-no-commas>] (NoAuth)
App:GuiReset...............[Method] Gui Reset Tabs (NoAuth)
App:Refresh................[Method] Gui Refresh (NoAuth)
App:Run....................[Method] Run [Once] [<active-runobj-list-no-commas>] (NoAuth)
App:Stop...................[Method] Stop [<running-runobj-list-no-commas>] (NoAuth)
File: [Category] File System Access
File:Dir...................[Property] Current Directory, String, (NoSave)
File:Checksum..............[Method] Checksum File (HasResponse)
File:Copy..................[Method] Copy File
File:Del...................[Method] Delete File
File:Exists................[Method] File Exists (HasResponse)
File:Fetch.................[Method] Fetch File (HasBinaryResponse)
File:Length................[Method] File Length
File:List..................[Method] List Directory (HasBinaryStringResponse)
File:Rename................[Method] Rename File
File:Xfer: [Category] File transfer commands
File:Xfer:Buffer.........[Method] Transmit next buffer to device-requires count, optional checksum
File:Xfer:DoneGet........[Method] Indicates completion of get operation
File:Xfer:DonePut........[Method] Indicates completion of send operation
File:Xfer:Get............[Method] Get file for transfer-respond filename, length, date, time
File:Xfer:Next...........[Method] Retrieve next buffer-respond three u32 values
File:Xfer:Put............[Method] Put file-requires filepath and optional modification date and time
File:Xfer:Resend.........[Method] Retrieve last buffer--respond three u32 values
File:Xfer:SameBuffer.....[Method] Re-transmit same buffer to device-requires count, optional checksum
Sys: [Category] System
Sys:Build..................[Property] Software Build, String, (RO)
Sys:CheckDNS...............[Property] DNS Check of, String, (RO)
Sys:Compile................[Property] Compile type, String, (RO)
Sys:Gateway................[Property] Gateway, String, (RO)
Sys:Hostname...............[Property] Hostname, String, (RO)
Sys:IP.....................[Property] IP Address, String, (RO)
Sys:Nickname...............[Property] System nickname, String
Sys:PmuTemp................[Property] PMU Temperature, Double, C, (RO)
Sys:ProtoVer...............[Property] Protocol Version, String, (RO)
Sys:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)
Sys:Users..................[Property] Number of users, Int, (RO)
Common Accessory Commands
Accessories connect to the BitWise device using the Probe Power connector on the back of the device. This causes the device to detect what type of accessory is present and to subsequently provide automation commands for that type of device.
For accessories connected to the Probe Power connector on BitWise devices:
Acc: [Category] Accessory connector, (IsClass)
Acc:IsAttached.............[Property] Probe is attached, Bool, (RO)
Acc:Type...................[Property] Accessory type, Enum <None, DDR5, Pulser>, (NoSave)
See Also