Channel Link Modes on the Bit Error Location Analyzer

The Bit Error Location Analyzer manages its two input channels to be used either separately, independently, or together as a combined channel.  By selecting Ch-0 or Ch-1 modes, only a single channel is presented and results from only that channel are available.  Synchronization is accomplished on only that channel.  

By selecting the Unlinked mode, both channels are presented and managed independently.  Results from both channels are displayed. If you select the Show All Channels checkbox on the Link Mode Status configuration, then the results from the two channels are combined to form a third row of results represesenting the aggregate of the two combined channels.

By selecting the Interleaved mode, the two channels are treated as one bit-interleaved channel.  Results from the combined channel are displayed.  If you select the Show All Channels checkbox on the Link Mode Status configuration, then the results from the two sub-channels is also displayed.  

Synchronization in Interleaved mode is very special.  Whereas all other modes treat synchronization with the test data pattern on a channel-by-channel basis, in Interleaved mode, the two channels cooperate to form an aggregated synchronization.  In Interleaved mode, the bit-interleave of the two sub-channels are combined and matched to the specified test pattern to determine synchronization.  Since bit-interleave offsets may be necessary in case the two channels don't have precisely the same timing, this special synchronization mode also attempts plus/minus 127 different bit offsets between channels to accomplish synchronization.