Remote Pulser Accessory Automation Commands

The Remote Pulser Accessory provides features to automate control of the remote pulser device.

These commands are available when the Acc:Type is "Pulser".


Acc:PUL: [Category] Pulser accessory, (IsClass)

      Acc:PUL:Const: [Category] Constants, (IsClass)

        Acc:PUL:Const:Options..[Property] Option Code, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)

        Acc:PUL:Const:SN.......[Property] Serial Number, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)

      Acc:PUL:Ampl.............[Property] Pulse amplitude, Double, 200.000 to 700.000, mV

      Acc:PUL:DiffSkew.........[Property] Differential Skew, Double, -30.000 to 30.000, ps

      Acc:PUL:NegEnabled.......[Property] Negative leg enabled, Bool

      Acc:PUL:PosEnabled.......[Property] Positive leg enabled, Bool

      Acc:PUL:TrigRate.........[Property] Trigger rate, Double, 0.100000 to 16.000000, GHz

      Acc:PUL:Width............[Property] Pulse width selection, Enum <1, 2, 4, 8, 16>

See Also:

Connecting with PUTTY

Common Device Automation Commands