STEPScope® Automation Commands
The STEPScope automation commands are grouped into multiple categories. Here are the list of automation commands for operating the STEPScope:
Calib: [Category] Calibration features
Calib:DelayFile............[Property] Delay table file, String, (RO)
Calib:NoiseFile............[Property] Noise table file, String, (RO)
Calib:Status...............[Property] Calibration Status, Enum <Ready, Error, Success, Running, Canceled>, (RO)
Calib:Cancel...............[Method] Cancel calibration
Calib:RunDelay.............[Method] Run Delay calibration
Calib:RunNoise.............[Method] Run Noise calibration
Const: [Category] Constants, (IsClass)
Const:Options..............[Property] Option Code, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)
Const:SN...................[Property] Serial Number, String, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave)
Pulse: [Category] Pulser Access
Pulse:AccAmpl..............[Property] Accessory pulser amplitude, Double, 200.000 to 700.000, mV, (NoSave)
Pulse:AccWidth.............[Property] Accessory pulser width selection, Enum <1, 2, 4, 8, 16>, (NoSave)
Pulse:Ampl.................[Property] Local Pulser amplitude, Double, 200.000 to 350.000, mV
Pulse:Freq.................[Property] Pulser frequency, Double, MHz, (RO)
Pulse:Length...............[Property] Pulser length, sets period to 2X, Int, 1 to 32
Pulse:Mode.................[Property] Pulser mode, Enum <Off, Local, Remote, Triggered, Accessory>
Pulse:ResetDac.............[Property] Delay Dac value during pulser reset, Int, 0 to 4095, (NoSave)
Pulse:SlaveAmpl............[Property] Slave pulser amplitude, Double, 200.000 to 350.000, mV
Pulse:SlaveIP..............[Property] Pulser Slave IP address, String
Pulse:Reset................[Method] Pulser reset
S11: [Category] S11 Application
S11:BinaryIncident.........[Property] Binary Incident Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S11:BinaryMagn.............[Property] Binary Magnitude Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S11:BinaryReflected........[Property] Binary Reflected Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S11:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)
S11:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)
S11:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)
S11:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)
S11:StatusMsg..............[Property] Status Message, String, (RO)
S11:FileSave...............[Method] S21 file save (HasPathResponse)
S11:Fit....................[Method] S11 Chart Fit
S11:Reset..................[Method] Reset position
S11:Cfg: [Category] Configuration, (IsClass)
S11:Cfg:ApplySmooth......[Property] Apply FFT Smoothing, Bool
S11:Cfg:Avg..............[Property] Averages, Int, 1 to 20
S11:Cfg:FileFormat.......[Property] File Format, Enum <CSV, S1P_RI, S1P_DB>
S11:Cfg:Offset...........[Property] Record Offset, Double, GHz, (RO)
S11:Cfg:Persist..........[Property] Persistence, Int, 1 to 20
S11:Cfg:Reclen...........[Property] Record Length, Int, 512 to 8192
S11:Cfg:ShowIncident.....[Property] Show Incident trace, Bool
S11:Cfg:ShowReflected....[Property] Show Reflected trace, Bool
S11:Cfg:ShowS11..........[Property] Show S11 trace, Bool
S11:Cfg:SmoothWidth......[Property] FFT Smoothing width, Int, 0 to 25
S11:Cfg:Span.............[Property] Record Span, Double, GHz, (RO)
S11:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)
S11:Chart:AxisX..........[Property] X-Axis type, Enum <Linear, Log>
S11:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -1000.000 to 1000.000, dB
S11:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)
S11:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]
S11:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)
S11:Chart:Cursor1........[Property] Cursor 1 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYS11, AutoYIncident, AutoYReflected, AutoXS11, AutoXIncident, AutoXReflected>
S11:Chart:Cursor2........[Property] Cursor 2 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYS11, AutoYIncident, AutoYReflected, AutoXS11, AutoXIncident, AutoXReflected>
S11:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)
S11:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 0.002 to 2000.000, dB
S11:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0.010000 to 1000.000000, GHz
S11:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)
S11:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool
S11:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool
S11:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>
S11:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool
S11:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool
S11:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)
S11:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 0.001000 to 999.990000, GHz
S21: [Category] S21 Application
S21:BinaryDut..............[Property] Binary Dut Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S21:BinaryMagn.............[Property] Binary Magnitude Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S21:BinaryThrough..........[Property] Binary Through Results, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
S21:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)
S21:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)
S21:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)
S21:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)
S21:StatusMsg..............[Property] Status Message, String, (RO)
S21:FileSave...............[Method] S21 file save (HasPathResponse)
S21:Fit....................[Method] S21 Chart Fit
S21:Reset..................[Method] Reset position
S21:Cfg: [Category] Configuration, (IsClass)
S21:Cfg:ApplySmooth......[Property] Apply FFT Smoothing, Bool
S21:Cfg:Avg..............[Property] Averages, Int, 1 to 20
S21:Cfg:FileFormat.......[Property] File Format, Enum <CSV, S1P_RI, S1P_DB>
S21:Cfg:Offset...........[Property] Record Offset, Double, GHz, (RO)
S21:Cfg:Persist..........[Property] Persistence, Int, 1 to 20
S21:Cfg:Reclen...........[Property] Record Length, Int, 512 to 8192
S21:Cfg:ShowDut..........[Property] Show DUT trace, Bool
S21:Cfg:ShowS21..........[Property] Show S21 Trace, Bool
S21:Cfg:ShowThrough......[Property] Show Through trace, Bool
S21:Cfg:SmoothWidth......[Property] FFT Smoothing width, Int, 0 to 25
S21:Cfg:Span.............[Property] Record Span, Double, GHz, (RO)
S21:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)
S21:Chart:AxisX..........[Property] X-Axis type, Enum <Linear, Log>
S21:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -1000.000 to 1000.000, dB
S21:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)
S21:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]
S21:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)
S21:Chart:Cursor1........[Property] Cursor 1 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYS21, AutoYDut, AutoYThrough, AutoXS21, AutoXDut, AutoXThrough>
S21:Chart:Cursor2........[Property] Cursor 2 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYS21, AutoYDut, AutoYThrough, AutoXS21, AutoXDut, AutoXThrough>
S21:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)
S21:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 0.002 to 2000.000, dB
S21:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0.010000 to 1000.000000, GHz
S21:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)
S21:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool
S21:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool
S21:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>
S21:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool
S21:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool
S21:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)
S21:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 0.001000 to 999.990000, GHz
Step: [Category] Step Response Application
Step:Binary................[Property] Binary Data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
Step:Elapsed...............[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)
Step:Running...............[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)
Step:Sequence..............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)
Step:ShowSettings..........[Property] Show settings on gui, Bool, (NoSave)
Step:StatusMsg.............[Property] Status Message, String, (RO)
Step:TimeFall..............[Property] Time of falling edge, Double, ps, (RO)
Step:TimeRise..............[Property] Time of rising edge, Double, ps, (RO)
Step:Align.................[Method] Step Align (NoAuth)
Step:Csv...................[Method] Step Csv (HasPathResponse)
Step:Fit...................[Method] Step Chart Fit
Step:PulseStats............[Method] Pulse statistics (HasResponse)
Step:Cfg: [Category] Configuration, (IsClass)
Step:Cfg:AutoRefresh.....[Property] Automatic refresh, Bool
Step:Cfg:Avg.............[Property] Averages, Int, 1 to 20
Step:Cfg:BaseAxis........[Property] Base axis, Enum <Pico, Nano>
Step:Cfg:BW..............[Property] BW Limit GHz, Double, 0.0000 to 500.0000, GHz
Step:Cfg:Depth...........[Property] Sample Depth, Int, 500 to 100000, (NoSave)
Step:Cfg:DSPMode.........[Property] DSP processing mode, Enum <Off, Differential, SEPositive, SENegative>
Step:Cfg:NoiseMode.......[Property] Noise Mode, Enum <Off, Normal, Double>
Step:Cfg:Offset..........[Property] Record Offset, Double, 0.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Step:Cfg:Reclen..........[Property] Record Length, Int, 10 to 16384
Step:Cfg:Span............[Property] Record Span, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
Step:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)
Step:Chart:Bottom........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -1800.000 to 1800.000
Step:Chart:CursAvail.....[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)
Step:Chart:CursEnabled...[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]
Step:Chart:CursLabel.....[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)
Step:Chart:Cursor1.......[Property] Cursor 1 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoY, AutoX>
Step:Chart:Cursor2.......[Property] Cursor 2 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoY, AutoX>
Step:Chart:CursValue.....[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)
Step:Chart:Height........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 0.100 to 3600.000
Step:Chart:Left..........[Property] Chart Left, Double, 0.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Step:Chart:Limits........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)
Step:Chart:Locked........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool
Step:Chart:Logscale......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool
Step:Chart:Scroll........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>
Step:Chart:ShowMemory....[Property] Show memories, Bool
Step:Chart:ShowOverlays..[Property] Show overlays, Bool
Step:Chart:Title.........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)
Step:Chart:Width.........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdr: [Category] TDR Application
Tdr:Binary.................[Property] Binary Data, float[], Binary, (RO, NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
Tdr:CalFile................[Property] Full path of TDR calibration table file, String, (RO)
Tdr:CalState...............[Property] Calibration State, Enum <None, Short, Term, Success, Fail>, (RO)
Tdr:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)
Tdr:LoadCalFile............[Property] TDR Calibration load file, String
Tdr:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)
Tdr:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)
Tdr:ShortCalFile...........[Property] Short calibration table file, deprecated use Tdr:CalFile, String, (RO)
Tdr:ShowCalibrations.......[Property] Show Calibrations, Bool, (NoSave)
Tdr:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)
Tdr:StatusMsg..............[Property] Status Message, String, (RO)
Tdr:TermCalFile............[Property] Termination calibration table file, deprecated use Tdr:CalFile, String, (RO)
Tdr:CancelCal..............[Method] Cancel calibration
Tdr:ClearCal...............[Method] Clear calibration
Tdr:Csv....................[Method] Tdr Csv (HasPathResponse)
Tdr:Fit....................[Method] Tdr Chart Fit
Tdr:LoadShortCal...........[Method] Load short calibration, deprecated use Tdr:LoadCalFile
Tdr:LoadTermCal............[Method] Load termination calibration, deprecated use Tdr:LoadCalFile
Tdr:Reset..................[Method] Reset position
Tdr:RunShortCal............[Method] Run Short calibration
Tdr:RunTermCal.............[Method] Run 50 Ohm calibration
Tdr:SaveCal................[Method] Save TDR calibration to file (NoAuth)
Tdr:SaveShortCal...........[Method] Save short calibration, deprecated use Tdr:SaveCal (NoAuth)
Tdr:SaveTermCal............[Method] Save termination calibration, deprecated use Tdr:SaveCal (NoAuth)
Tdr:Cfg: [Category] Configuration, (IsClass)
Tdr:Cfg:AutoRefresh......[Property] Automatic refresh, Bool
Tdr:Cfg:Avg..............[Property] Averages, Int, 1 to 20
Tdr:Cfg:BaseAxis.........[Property] Base axis, Enum <Pico, Nano, Inch, Centimeter>
Tdr:Cfg:BW...............[Property] BW Limit GHz, Double, 0.0000 to 500.0000, GHz
Tdr:Cfg:CalAvg...........[Property] Calibration averages, Int, 1 to 20, (NoSave)
Tdr:Cfg:CalDepth.........[Property] Calibration sample depth, Int, 500 to 10000, (NoSave)
Tdr:Cfg:CalReclen........[Property] Calibration record length, Int, 1024 to 16384, (NoSave)
Tdr:Cfg:Edge.............[Property] Reference Edge, Enum <Rising, Falling>
Tdr:Cfg:Offset...........[Property] Record Offset, Double, -3000000.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdr:Cfg:Permittivity.....[Property] Relative permittivity, aka Dielectric constant, FR4 is 3.8 to 4.8, Double, 1.00 to 50.00
Tdr:Cfg:Reclen...........[Property] Record Length, Int, 10 to 16384
Tdr:Cfg:Span.............[Property] Record Span, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdr:Cfg:Resistivity......[Property] Resistivity, resistance per meter, requires Permittivity setting, Double, 0.00 to 50.00, Ohm-meter
Tdr:Cfg:Term.............[Property] Termination Impedance, Double, 1.000 to 1000.000, Ohms
Tdr:Cfg:UseBeforeStep....[Property] Use estimated level before step, Bool, (NoSave)
Tdr:Cfg:UseDiff..........[Property] Use Differential, Bool
Tdr:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)
Tdr:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, 0.000 to 5000.000, Ohms
Tdr:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)
Tdr:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]
Tdr:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)
Tdr:Chart:Cursor1........[Property] Cursor 1 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoY, AutoX, S11Window>
Tdr:Chart:Cursor2........[Property] Cursor 2 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoY, AutoX, S11Window>
Tdr:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)
Tdr:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 1.000 to 500.000, Ohms
Tdr:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, -3000000.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdr:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)
Tdr:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool
Tdr:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool
Tdr:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>
Tdr:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool
Tdr:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool
Tdr:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)
Tdr:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdr:Window: [Category] Region of interest window
Tdr:Window:Enabled.......[Property] Enable using Region of interest window, Bool
Tdr:Window:Range.........[Property] Region of interest window range, Double[2], -1000000.000 to 1000000.000, ps
Tdr:Window:Clear.........[Method] Clear region of interest window range
Tdr:Window:Fit...........[Method] Fit region of interest window range to current acquisition
Tdt: [Category] TDR Application
Tdt:Align..................[Property] Alignment between DUT and REF, Double, ps, (RO)
Tdt:Binary.................[Property] Binary Data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
Tdt:CalState...............[Property] Calibration State, Enum <None, Through, Success, Fail>, (RO)
Tdt:Elapsed................[Property] Elapsed Time Seconds, Double, sec, (RO)
Tdt:Ref....................[Property] Binary Ref Data, Binary, (NoEvent, NoSave, Bin, Stealth)
Tdt:Running................[Property] Running state, Enum <Stop, Run, RunOnce>, (RO)
Tdt:Sequence...............[Property] Run Sequence, Int, (RO, Comma)
Tdt:ShowDut................[Property] Show TDR trace, Bool
Tdt:ShowSettings...........[Property] Show Settings, Bool, (NoSave)
Tdt:ShowThrough............[Property] Show Reference trace, Bool
Tdt:StatusMsg..............[Property] Status Message, String, (RO)
Tdt:ThroughCalFile.........[Property] Through cal table file, String, (RO)
Tdt:CancelCal..............[Method] Cancel calibration
Tdt:ClearCal...............[Method] Clear calibration
Tdt:Csv....................[Method] Tdt Csv (HasPathResponse)
Tdt:Fit....................[Method] Tdt Chart Fit
Tdt:LoadThroughCal.........[Method] Load through calibration
Tdt:Reset..................[Method] Reset position
Tdt:RunThroughCal..........[Method] Run Through calibration
Tdt:SaveThroughCal.........[Method] Save through calibration
Tdt:Cfg: [Category] Configuration, (IsClass)
Tdt:Cfg:AlignRef.........[Property] Align Reference Step, Bool
Tdt:Cfg:AutoRefresh......[Property] Automatic refresh, Bool
Tdt:Cfg:Avg..............[Property] Averages, Int, 1 to 20
Tdt:Cfg:BaseAxis.........[Property] Base axis, Enum <Pico, Nano>
Tdt:Cfg:BW...............[Property] BW Limit GHz, Double, 0.0000 to 500.0000, GHz
Tdt:Cfg:CalAvg...........[Property] Calibration averages, Int, 1 to 20, (NoSave)
Tdt:Cfg:CalDepth.........[Property] Calibration sample depth, Int, 500 to 1000000, (NoSave)
Tdt:Cfg:CalReclen........[Property] Calibration record length, Int, 1024 to 16384, (NoSave)
Tdt:Cfg:DSPMode..........[Property] DSP processing mode, Enum <Off, Differential, SEPositive, SENegative>
Tdt:Cfg:Edge.............[Property] Reference Edge, Enum <Rising, Falling>
Tdt:Cfg:Offset...........[Property] Record Offset, Double, -100000.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdt:Cfg:Reclen...........[Property] Record Length, Int, 10 to 16384
Tdt:Cfg:Span.............[Property] Record Span, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdt:Chart: [Category] Chart View, (IsClass)
Tdt:Chart:Bottom.........[Property] Chart Bottom, Double, -1800.000 to 1800.000
Tdt:Chart:CursAvail......[Property] Chart Cursor Available, Bool[11], (RO)
Tdt:Chart:CursEnabled....[Property] Chart Cursor Enabled, Bool[11]
Tdt:Chart:CursLabel......[Property] Chart Cursor Label, String[11], (RO)
Tdt:Chart:Cursor1........[Property] Cursor 1 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYDut, AutoYThrough, AutoXDut, AutoXThrough>
Tdt:Chart:Cursor2........[Property] Cursor 2 Mode, Enum <Manual, AutoYDut, AutoYThrough, AutoXDut, AutoXThrough>
Tdt:Chart:CursValue......[Property] Chart Cursor Value, Double[11], (NeverDirty)
Tdt:Chart:Height.........[Property] Chart Height, Double, 0.100 to 3600.000
Tdt:Chart:Left...........[Property] Chart Left, Double, -100000.000 to 3000000.000, ps
Tdt:Chart:Limits.........[Property] Chart Limits (LRBT), Double[4], (RO)
Tdt:Chart:Locked.........[Property] Chart Locked, Bool
Tdt:Chart:Logscale.......[Property] Chart LogScale, Bool
Tdt:Chart:Scroll.........[Property] Chart Scroll Mode, Enum <None, X1, X2, X3, X4, DX12, DX34, XPan, XScale, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, DY12, DY34, YPan, YScale, P1, P2, P3>
Tdt:Chart:ShowMemory.....[Property] Show memories, Bool
Tdt:Chart:ShowOverlays...[Property] Show overlays, Bool
Tdt:Chart:Title..........[Property] Chart Title, String, (RO)
Tdt:Chart:Width..........[Property] Chart Width, Double, 0.010 to 3000000.000, ps
See Also:
Common Device Automation Commands