Data Analysis Applications
Data Analysis applications repetitively process coherent captures of data bits. Each capture may be quite distant from each other and so special care is taken not to assert any measurements spanning individual captures. But data bits within each capture are perfectly sequential and coherent, so certain statistical measurements can be made based on these short segments. For example, mark density asserts the ratio of 1's to 0's. For each capture, this can be calculated, and a population of measured bits is established. By running this analysis for an adequately long period of time, we can establish confidence in the mark density measurement, even though the calculation is comprised of aggregating results from many short segments together.
There are three different types of Data Analysis applications provided:
1.) The Data Statistics Application provides mark density information for individual channels, and the combined aggregate of the two channels, if selected
2.) The Data Run Length Histogram Application provides a histogram of the distribution of run lengths encountered in the selected channel. You can select Ch-0, Ch-1, or the combined channel if the link mode is Unlinked or Interleaved. You can also select whether to histogram Mark values (1) or Space values (0).
3.) The Data Wander Histogram Application provides a histogram of the ratio of the count of 1's found in each window of a selected window size. If, for example, all windows contain exactly 50% 1's, then the histogram has a single column at the 50% point. If, however, some windows have greater or less than 50% 1's, then the histogram will expand wider and you can determine the minimum and maximum range of mark densities associated with the selected window size.
See Also
Bit Error Location Analyzer Group Tabs