Bit Error Location Analyzer Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the GUI, and is useful for quickly assessing the state of the Bit Error Location Analyzer, and for accessing system properties.

Data Rate Status

Data Rate Status

Link Mode Status

Link Mode Status

Ch-0 Status

Ch-0 / Ch-1 Status

Ch-1 Status

Ch-0 / Ch-1 Status

Combined Channels Status

Combined Channels Status

Run Status

Run Status

Auxiliary GPIO Status

Auxiliary GPIO Status

Bit Error Location Analyzer User Patterns

Bit Error Location Analyzer User Patterns

Log / Traffic Status

Log / Traffic Status

The Accessory Status Bar Item is only displayed if an accessory device is plugged into the device's Probe Power Connector on the rear panel.

The Ch-0 and Ch-1 Status Bar Items are only showed if the appropriate Link Mode is selected.

See Also

Bit Error Location Analyzer Applications

Bit Error Location Analyzer Group Tabs