DDR5 Transmit Configuration

The Transmit features of the DRAMs can be selected to provide selected patterns on a test lane and neighboring lanes.  This function is used for many Transmitter test functions.

Generator Mode

LFSR, Serial

Select pattern type to be transmitted from selected lane.


Prbs8, AltPrbs8, Clock, Zeros, InvPrbs8, InvAltPrbs8, InvClock,


Select pattern type to be transmitted from selected lane.  Only available if Generator Mode is set to LFSR.

Serial Pattern

0xFF, hexadecimal value

Select hexadecimal byte to be transmitted from selected lane.  Only available if Generator Mode is set to Serial.

Neighbor Pattern

Prbs8, AltPrbs8, Clock, Zeros, InvPrbs8, InvAltPrbs8, InvClock,


Select pattern to be present on lanes that neighbor the selected lane within the same DRAM. Only available if Generator Mode is set to LFSR.

Number of Neighbors

Zero, Two, Four, Six, AllOthers

Specify how many neighbor lanes will be programmed to provide the neighbor pattern.  Only available if Generator Mode is set to LFSR.

Stagger Polarity

Specify to invert the polarity of neighbor lanes.

Duty Cycle Q

-7 to +7

Set DRAM register Duty Cycle Q value

Duty Cycle IB

-7 to +7

Set DRAM register Duty Cycle IB value

Duty Cycle QB

-7 to +7

Set DRAM register Duty Cycle QB value

Start Transmit

Initiate procedure to begin transmitting the selected patterns on the specified lane.

Change Settings

Reprograms the selected configuration on the same lane.

Running Transmitter Operations

Transmitter initiation and changing transmitter settings take a few seconds to complete.  During this time, progress messages and ending status are provided on the Command Log tab.  

See Also

Stress Configuration

Reference Clock Configuration

Card Type Configuration

Lane Select Configuration

Terminations Configuration

Loopback Configuration

Tools Configuration

DFE Configuration

System Configuration

Command Log